This week, The Broke and the Bookish is asking for the Top Ten Worlds We Wouldn’t Want to Live in, but thinking about a place I don’t want to be is so much harder to think of than places I DO want to be. I’m doing worlds I would want to live in, which I believe has been done, but not since I’ve been blogging.
- Hogwarts (Harry Potter): DUH
- The Seven Kingdoms (Graceling Realm): but only if I had a super awesome Grace
- OASIS (Ready Player One): for those days I miss WoW
- Fairyland (The Fairyland Series): so magical
- London Below (Neverwhere): a Neil Gaiman place!
- Prague (Daughter of Smoke and Bone): I would be weirdo BFFs with Karou and Zuzana and we would go to weirdo goth teahouses and be so fabulous together
- North Star, Texas (Nowhere But Home): I can live out my Friday Night Lights fantasies (not weird) and eat a #1
- Ravka (Shadow and Bone/The Grisha Series): I’m imagining myself as Genya.
- YA Australia: mostly I just want to read all the Australian YA. I don’t know what it is about it, but it is all SO GOOD
- Salinas/Monterey (East of Eden/Cannery Row): just kidding, I spent the last 5 years of my life living there. Nice enough, but time to move on
Had to say no to:
Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire): I would probably not be important enough to live very long, and definitely not important enough to be killed for power. So unless I was like the Mother of Dragons or something, life would be too boring to even consider.